* Become a Reviewer *
We here at Mama Buzz take product and book review very seriously. We do this, largely, out of respect to the companies who allow us to test their products. We want to make sure that their investment into Mama Buzz (complimentary products) is worth it - - and more so!
In order to become a Mama Buzz Reviewer, the following requirements must be met:
~ It seems obvious, but you must be a Mom.
* Special consideration will be given to those who are not moms, but have children in their lives on a regular basis, through childcare or guardianship. Consideration will be given, but acceptance is not guaranteed."
~ You must have children in the age ranges of the products that you are testing. Please do not request a product or book for a ten year old child if you have a five year old child!
~ You must be a regularly blogging Mama.
~ Your blog must be at least three months old.
~ The blog must have a minimum of 30 posts, none of which have more than a week's lapse between them.
~ Your blog must be listed with Technorati. ***Note, as of October 2009, Technorati changed their system, so although you must be listed with them, we no longer go with rank or authority on that site!!!
~ You must have a blog following of at least 30 individuals, perferably 50.
** Need help increasing blog popularity? See our post, "Increase Your Blog's Presence on the Web". **
Grounds for Dismissal from Mama Buzz
~ Any Mama who misses three consecutive reviews that she has signed up for, will be suspended until we can contact her and see what is going on. No further products or books may be requested at that point.
We are mindful that illnesses, internet and computer crashes, and (God-forbid) emergencies happen. We will work with you and will re-instate you to the best of our ability.
At the same time, we owe our companies respect and need to make sure that our reviewers are returning reviews in exchange for the products and books they receive, and we will keep that in mind as we examine why reviews have been missed.
~ Reviews that are weak and nasty. While we want you to be honest and even welcome constructive criticism, we ask that you be respectful in each of your reviews. We also want our reviewers to give extensive reviews. A review of, "My child liked the colorful pages," simply will not suffice.
We have written up a post on "Creating a Comprehensive Review". Please read it and refer to it when writing your reviews.
~ Not posting personal posts in between review posts. Part of what will make reviews credible, are if they are posted on regularly kept blogs by Mamas who also write about life with their children. If your blog becomes only review posts and the personal posts end, your membership will be suspended until it is filled out with personal-life posts once again.
~ Consistently leaving out pertinent information that we give you to include in your reviews, such as images, product links, and press releases.
~ Please keep in mind, that while we are not a "Christian" company, the women behind Mama Buzz do practice the Christian faith. Because of this, many of the companies and book publishers we will be working with are Christian based. We have no problems with you reviewing products that are Christian in nature, even if you do not practice the Christian faith. However, requesting and reviewing a product for the express purpose of speaking out against a Christian based product or book is grounds for immediate dismissal from Mama Buzz.
Still Interested?
If, after all that, you're still interested in joining our team, please email us the following information at mamabzz@yahoo.com:
Children's names, ages, school level:
Do you have special needs children? If so, please explain:
Type of schooling (public, homeschool, private):
Favorite activities you do with your children and as a family:
Contact email address:
Blog address:
What is your Technorati authority and rank?
What are you doing to create exposure for your blog?
You can expect a response from us within two weeks' time, once you have sent in your application. At that time we will explain the next step that you need to take.
Thank you for your interest!
Thanks, I can't wait to hear!
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